Best Poker Training Online

Experts have compiled this list of Best Poker Courses & Tutorials available online. The list includes paid and free resources that will help you learn to get better at Poker. 4 Best Poker Classes Online DECEMBER 2020UPDATED 1. Daniel Negreanu Teaches Poker (MasterClass). Boasting one of the largest memberships of all the poker sites we reviewed, is easily one of the most popular online training resources. Our trusted list of the best online poker training sites in 2020, including real reviews and expert ratings. Here's where winning players get coaching! The best 256 online gambling sites in. Some of the best free poker training these days is on poker strategy websites like the one you are looking at right now, I have written over 700 poker strategy articles for this website now covering how to beat the micro stakes games in particular. And yes, they are all free and they always will be!

  1. Best Free Poker Training
  2. Best Online Poker Training Reddit
  3. Free Online Poker Training
  4. Online Poker Training Sites
  5. Best Poker Training online, free
  6. Best Poker Training Programs
People often ask me what is the best free poker training in 2020. Now first off, I gotta say, like with anything in life, when something is free it is not likely to be of the highest quality.
Most of the best poker training available nowadays (taught by world class pros) is on poker training sites or through coaching which of course is not going to be free.
However, for beginners just getting started in poker I believe that there are a number of good free poker training options these days. And I am going to cover them all in this article.

1. Best Free Poker Training 2020 - Massive Profit at the Micros

The best free poker training in my opinion, especially for beginners, is without a doubt still my free poker guide, Massive Profit at the Micros.
This 50 page poker 'cheat sheet' teaches you all of the basics of how to win at poker at the lower stakes in particular.
I walk you step by step how to:
  • Know what hands to play from all positions at the table
  • When to bet, raise and bluff
  • How to read their hand
  • The best poker sites to play on
  • How to finally stop tilting
  • How to consistently make $500-$1000 a months at the micro stakes

People ask me all the time why I give away all this information completely for free.
Best Poker Training OnlineAnd I guess firstly, the answer is that it probably won't remain free forever.
However, I know that a lot of poker beginners read my articles here on my website. And I want to make it as easy as possible for them to get started without having to invest large amounts of money in expensive poker training.
I also have some of the best results in online poker history at the lower stakes and I want to help others struggling at these limits to start turning a profit.
'Massive Profit at the Micros' has now been read by over 100k people and if you are struggling to win at poker at the lowest stakes, reading this free poker training guide will help you finally start winning.
Because that is really the whole point of this free little poker book.
Massive Profit at the Micros won't teach you how to become a poker pro. And it won't turn you into some high stakes crusher overnight either.
This free little poker 'cheat sheet' is instead intended for those who are playing at the lowest stakes and still can't figure out how to win consistently. Follow the strategies in this guide and you will start winning.
It's that simple.
You can go get your copy of my free poker training guide Massive Profit at the Micros, right here.

2. Best Free Poker Training 2020 - YouTube and Twitch

I think some of the absolute best free poker training these days is available on YouTube and Twitch. Because basically you get to watch professional poker players walk you through hands or even play live.
With YouTube in particular there is tons of great free poker training. Once again, I would recommend my own YouTube channel first especially if you play the micro stakes.
I put out brand new poker strategy videos every single week. My 4 part series in particular called 'How to Crush the Micros' has been extremely popular.

Make sure you are subscribed to my poker YouTube channel so you never miss a video.
What if you play higher stakes poker games though? Well, a poker YouTube channel that I find myself watching a lot lately is No Limit Gaming.
This poker YouTube channel features some of the very best online poker players in the world showing you exactly how they crush mid and high stakes games.
This video above for example features some of the best online pros in the world such as Steffen 'Go0se.core!' Sontheimer, 'LLinusLLove' and others at nosebleed stakes ($50/$100).
It is very rare to get such high level free poker training without having to pay expensive membership fees on a poker training site.
As for Twitch, there are countless full time streamers these days who basically play every day and live stream the entire thing.
Not all of them are professionals of course but it is still a good idea to check out some of the up and comers who are trying to beat the lower stakes games just like you.
Probably the most famous poker Twitch streamer these days is Lex 'RaSZi' Veldhuis. I often find myself binge watching his Twitch poker channel.
I would highly recommend checking him out! Tell him BlackRain79 sent you :)

3. Best Free Poker Training 2020 - Poker Forums and Reddit

Now I know I have been a little bit critical of poker forums and Reddit in the past. And I still think they are too often plagued by negative trolls and time wasting off-topic discussions.
However, I think there is still some good value in a few poker forums out there in particular. And poker forums of course are pretty much always free!
The #1 poker forum that I always recommend is CardsChat.
The reason why is because CardsChat has built up a nice sized community of mostly low stakes poker players trying to get better at the game and help each other.
You can post your poker hands or questions on CardsChat and usually get many helpful answers.
Now, people often ask me why I don't have a poker forum myself.
Well, the truth is that I actually do have a poker forum! Yes that is me by the way above answering questions on my poker forum.
However, the big difference between my poker forum (and pretty much every other one out there) is that mine is private and not open to the general public.
This allows me to make sure that I limit the amount of users only to those who are serious about improving their poker game and helping others in a positive way.
You can feel free to post your poker hand histories or you poker questions on my poker forum and you will get a reply often from myself personally or the other pros and semi-pros who post on there.
As for Reddit, I honestly have never been much of a big Reddit user but I do think there is some good poker strategy discussion for the most part in the main poker subreddit which is r/poker.

4. Best Free Poker Training 2020 - Poker Strategy Websites

Some of the best free poker training these days is on poker strategy websites like the one you are looking at right now, online poker training
I have written over 700 poker strategy articles for this website now covering how to beat the micro stakes games in particular. And yes, they are all free and they always will be!
For a complete list of all my most popular poker strategy articles in recent years (beginner intermediate, advanced and pro), click here.
There are several other quality free poker strategy websites out there though that I would recommend reading as well.
I often find myself reading the poker strategy articles over at Upswing Poker for instance. Upswing is well known as having some of the best poker courses available in the world today. I have actually reviewed several of them and I regularly recommend them.
However, many people do not know that Upswing also produces lots of high quality and totally free poker strategy articles on a regular basis. I have actually even written poker strategy articles for Upswing in the past myself and probably will again in the future.
The last poker strategy website that I recommend is also one where I am a regular contributor. This is the biggest poker news website in the world,
I write a monthly article for this website and they have a whole host of other high level professional poker players writing regular strategy articles as well.

5. Best Free Poker Training 2020 - Poker Podcasts

The final free poker training that I recommend is poker podcasts. Many people are surprised to learn that there are many high quality poker podcasts out there these days not only featuring interviews with world class pros, but also in depth poker strategy lessons.
If you have a long commute to work or you tend to workout a lot at the gym like I do, this the perfect way to improve your poker skills at the same time.
I am almost always listening to podcasts while working out. Two birds one stone right?
For example, I would recommend checking out Smart Poker Study. I was actually a guest on this poker strategy podcast on episode #162.
Sky Matsuhashi (the host of Smart Poker Study) creates high quality poker lessons to help you improve your poker game. He talks about small stakes poker most frequently.
Another good poker podcast that I would recommend is The PostFlop Poker podcast. Again, this is another excellent poker strategy podcast that will help you with your game.
I was also a guest on this podcast on episode #49.
The final poker podcast that I would recommend is probably the most famous one in the world. And that is Joe Ingram's The Poker Life podcast.
While not specifically educational in nature, Joe regularly interviews some of the very best poker players in the world. And this gives you a deep insight into what it takes to get to this level of the game.
You can go listen to The Poker Life Podcast right here.
Most of these poker podcasts by the way can be downloaded directly on Spotify or on the podcast app on your smartphone.

Best Free Poker Training

Best Online Poker Training Reddit

You can almost always find all of these poker podcasts on YouTube as well. Joe Ingram for example posts all of his interviews (with video as well) on his Youtube channel.

Final Thoughts

So there you have my list of the best free poker training for 2020. The truth is that high quality poker training does not need to cost you an arm and a leg.
Now of course yes, the very best elite level poker training available these days is often behind a paywall (it isn't free). But this really shouldn't be a huge shocker to anyone.
Information is power in poker and usually the best poker professionals in the world are not going to give that away for free.
If you want my list of the best advanced poker training available today, I have also written an article for that.
But there is also lots of great free poker training options out there these days for beginners in particular, my free poker strategy book for example.
You can also find tons of good high level poker strategy discussion on YouTube and Twitch streams, poker forums, poker strategy websites and poker podcasts.
Make sure you let me know in the comments below what you think the best free poker training is these days.
Lastly, if you want to know how I became a poker pro and poker writer traveling the world, make sure you grab a copy of my free poker cheat sheet.

Disclosure: Some of the links on this page are affiliate links. However, we only include affiliate links for products and services that we use and love. For more information, see our Disclosure page.

Today we want to share with you the best poker training site that we have found. This one comes with a double disclaimer. We are not only affiliates for the site, but also write for their blog and help them develop content as our primary side-hustle. Of course, that’s not a coincidence. We do all of these things for Advanced Poker Training because we love them so much. Their methods have been extremely effective in bringing our games to the next level.

Given that our goal is to spend a year on the road playing poker, we think a lot about how to get better at the game. If we drop 100 tournament buy ins with no return on investment, it could be a very expensive year. So we read, and we watch, and we practice, and we train. When we train, we want to make sure we are taking advantage of the best poker training options available.

Favorite Books

We both came to poker late in our lives, picking it up in our 30s. At first we played free pub poker to get a feel for the game before we invested any money in the endeavor. We quickly learned that poker, like chess, can be taught in a few minutes, but takes a lifetime to master. So we started reading. We have at least 40 poker books in our house. If you’re interested, our favorites are Arnold Snyder’s “The Tournament Poker Formula“, Dan Harrington’s Hold’Em tournament strategy books, Daniel Negreanu’s “Power Hold’Em Strategy“, and Jonathan Little and Patricia Cardner’s “Peak Poker Performance“.

We continue to read. We play as often as we can. And after we play we discuss our strategy, difficult hands, and trouble spots that we encounter. Unfortunately, we don’t play as often as we would like, given our kids and our jobs and our crazy life. So we started looking for an online training site that would help us improve our game on our own time. After researching a variety of poker training sites, we settled on Advanced Poker Training. APT offers the best package of strategy, resources, and community out there.

Frankly, Advanced Poker Training (APT) is a pretty amazing siteClick To TweetBest

Best Poker Training Online

Advanced Poker Training (APT) is a pretty amazing site. They offer the ability to play your preferred format of No Limit Hold-Em (tournament style, cash, or Sit-N-Go) against programmed opponents of various abilities. APT also allows you to customize games to resemble the structure, stakes, and player strength of your favorite live or online structures. At the end of each week you get a training plan identifying your most important areas in need of improvement. Reports chart your improvement on important metrics such as starting hand choice and position play. You can also focus on specific situations by playing any starting hand or position you want. Replay a hand as many times as you like until you feel you have mastered your approach.

APT’s Reports section allows you to access your performance on certain poker actions, such as raising pre-flop and continuation betting. It tells you how much luck has affected your performance, and identifies your best and most challenging hands. The hand analysis section allows you to replay hands tagged by APT as outstanding or problematic.

Free Online Poker Training

Best poker training course

My favorite aspect of APT are the Beat the Pro Challenges. APT has worked with a number of pros, such as Jonathan Little, Scotty Nguyen, Scott Blumstein, and David Williams to create these amazing challenges. Each BTP Challenge starts with an explanatory video filmed by the professional player explaining the nature of the challenge. Next you have an opportunity to play a grouping of hands to practice that skill. Finally, you watch the pro play the same hands while explaining the thinking behind all their decisions. The BTP Challenges allow you to compare your outcomes both to the pro and to the other APT members. Beat the Pro Challenges are a lot of fun and very educational.

Constantly Evolving

APT also has an ever expanding library of resources. There are games which allow you to practice your board reading, an odds chart, a series of training articles, an active member forum, a shove/fold tool, a tournament chop tool, and of course, a blog (that’s us!). The site is constantly growing and adding new features to help you improve your game. APT hosts regular webinars with pros like Alex Fitzgerald, author of The Myth of Poker Talent , James SplitSuit Sweeney, and poker coach Kenna James. Advanced Poker Training has also developed a new ninja combat trainer. The combat trainer allows players to focus on trouble spots like playing AK and whiffing on the flop. Kenna James has also collaborated with APT to offer a number of combat trainer scenarios specially created for tournament players.

Online Poker Training Sites

In short, we really love Advanced Poker Training and feel that it is the best poker training site out there to help us bring our game to the next level as we prepare for our year of poker travel.

Best Poker Training online, free

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