Poker League Rules

  1. WPT League hosts Free Live Texas Hold'em Tournaments at your favorite locations throughout the United States allowing you to learn the game, test your poker skills against others in your area, sharpen the skills you have already mastered, and enjoy the 'Poker Night' food and drink specials at participating WPT League Venues.
  2. Misc Rules, and Poker etiquette: Player’s cards & chips must remain on/above the table at all times, unless you are reassigned to another table. When moving to a new table, keep chips in plain view (not in pockets, etc.) Players must keep their higher denomination chips visible at all times. One player per hand.
  3. The National Poker League has partnered with the Tournament Directors Association (TDA) to adopt a set of globally recognized rules to help govern games across the league. The TDA is the official association of poker tournament personnel and is dedicated to the advancement of the industry and adoption of uniform poker tournament rules across.
  4. The Top Tells in Poker with Body Language Alexis 2020-12-03T15:22:16-04:00 December 3rd, 2020 An important part of playing live poker has to do with figuring out what your opponents’ body language means.

Poker League 2020: Registration for each game must be with Dave (“league organiser”) by 7:30pm for an 8pm start. NO REGISTRATIONS WILL BE TAKEN AFTER 7:30PM SO PLEASE LET ME KNOW ONE WAY OR ANOTHER BY THIS TIME.


Poker League 2019:

  • Registration for each game must be with Dave (“league organiser”) by 7:30pm for an 8pm start. NO REGISTRATIONS WILL BE TAKEN AFTER 7:30PM SO PLEASE LET ME KNOW ONE WAY OR ANOTHER BY THIS TIME. GAMES WILL START AT 8PM (NO LATER!!)

  • Last longer league will continue as in 2018.6 points to be awarded to the winner of each heads-up game with the loser earning 2 points. Should anyone get a bye that person will be awarded 4 points.

  • Additional points will be awarded for finishing in the top 6 for each game as follows:

    1st: 14 points

    2nd: 10 points

    3rd: 8 points

    4th: 6 points

    5th: 4 points

    6th: 2 points

  • The additional points above will be halved if you have used the re-buy.

  • 1 point will be awarded for each player you knockout of the game. The £1 bounty will continue as in previous seasons.


    18 APRIL 2019

    11 JULY 2019

    26 SEPTEMBER 2019

    19 DECEMBER 2019

  • Your hand will be folded if you are away from your seat and you are still in play. If you are away from your seat for more than 2 consecutive hands a big blind will be posted for every hand thereafter until you return to your seat.









    BREAK (10 MINUTES – NO LONGER!) – CHANGE UP 100/200’s







    A clock will be visible for all players and will run for all levels and breaks.

  • A 30 second clock to be introduced for excessively slow play or decision making. Any player can call the clock if deemed appropriate. THE LEAGUE ORGANISER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO DENY OR ACTIVATE THE CLOCK BASED ON THE CIRCUMSTANCES.

  • If you get to showdown and win the hand with 7/2 starting hand, each player on that table contributes an additional big blind to the winning pot.

  • Trophies to be awarded for top 3 league positions plus the winner of the last longer league.

  • Royal Flush pot – A side pot to be collected each week (20p) with the player that wins with a royal flush winning the contents of the pot.

  • If there are 2 tables and the numbers are not balanced (eg. 6 on 1 table and 4 on the other) a random draw will take place on the table with the higher number of players (card draw) with the player dealt the lowest card moving over to the other table.

  • A £1 registration fee each week (except the season finale game) is to be collected for contribution towards new poker equipment and end of season trophies. Any amounts left at the end of the season will be added to the season finale prize pool.

  • Three Table Setup (over 16 players)

    If a table gets short of players due to knockouts (e.g. 4 on one table and 6 on the other 2 tables) the clock will be stopped at the time of the knockout that causes the re-balancing of table numbers to take place. THIS WILL NOT BE AN ADDITIONAL BREAK.

    All hands in progress must be completed before table draws take place (hand in progress includes blinds that have been posted but deal has not taken place).

    Lowest card draw to take place on both tables if the example above occurs (i.e. both tables have the same number of players remaining) with lowest card across both tables moving to the table of 4. In the event of a tie a re-draw will take place between those players.

    In the event of an example such as 4 on table 1, 5 on table 2 and 6 on table 3 the lowest card draw will only need to take place on table 3.

    Once there are 14 players remaining the table with the lowest number of players will be closed and table draw will be done for the remaining 2 tables.

Poker League RulesBar poker league


Dealing of Hole Cards

  • If the first or second hole card dealt is exposed (i.e. first card dealt to small or big blind), a misdeal results. The dealer retrieves the card, reshuffles and recuts the cards.

  • If any other hole card is exposed due to dealer error, the deal continues. The exposed card cannot be kept. After completing the deal the dealer replaces the card with the top card on the deck, and the exposed card is then used for the burn card.

  • If more than one hole card is exposed, this is a misdeal and there must be a re-deal

  • If the dealer mistakenly deals the first player an extra card (after all players have received their starting hands), the card is returned to the deck and is used for the burn card

Dealing the Flop

Poker League Rules
  • If the flop contains too many cards, it must be re-dealt

  • If the cards were prematurely flopped, the flop must be re-dealt

  • In both of the above instances, the board cards are mixed with the remainder of the deck. The burn card remains on the table. After shuffling, the dealer cuts the deck and deals a new flop without burning a card.

Dealing the Turn and River

  • If the dealer turns the fourth card on the board before the betting round is complete, the card is taken out of play for that round, even if subsequent players elect to fold. The betting is then completed. The dealer then burns and turns the fifth card in the fourth card’s place.

  • After this round of betting, the dealer reshuffles the deck, including the card that was taken out of play, but not including burn cards or discards. The dealer then cuts the deck and turns the final card without burning a card.

  • If the fifth card is turned up prematurely, the deck is reshuffled in the same manner

Bar Poker League

And finally…..

Poker League Rules

This is intended to be a friendly and enjoyable game on a Thursday evening for everyone involved so any behaviour that stops the game from being enjoyable from anyone will not be tolerated.